The magical part of LOA is the invisible, subtle energy element. Thought is imperceptible to the human senses, and so are the ideas that interact with one another vibration ally. When your ideas match with other people, there is an alignment and a coming together a meeting of the heads, as it had been. If these thought forms are strong enough, and if there is sufficient openness and reception, there is an impingement upon the conscious awareness of the beings involved. This is the way coincidences and happy accidents happen.
All these and a thousand others go into the making of a Porsche. If you are ignorant of these things, then the magical Porsche you conjure out of your ideas will resemble a child’s scribble. That is the reason teachers always tell you to have a specific idea about manifesting generator. Garbage out, garbage in fortunately, someone has already figured out how to create a Porsche. But your level of alignment to Porsche decides whether you can have one. The fellow who wants a Porsche, but does not have one, is usually more adapting to a used Pinto.
The woman that owns Rolls and needs a Porsche is more aligned to a Porsche. The gal with lots of money may want a Porsche, but decides she does not have to get one. Has that ever happened to you? If you know you need something and can get it in any moment, you often do not even feel the need to have it. That is vibration alignment: a complete knowing that you and it are one and the same, though there is not physical possession. That is why folks make scrap books and diaries and thoughts pictures: to make the thing so true they become it.
A psychological study revealed this several years back. A whole lot of individuals was put into cubicles with loud music, and was requested to do math problems. Half of those people had buttons on their desks which could shut off the Music, and half did not. People who had the buttons frequently did not use them, since they knew they could at any moment.
Emotions and electromagnetic energy emotions are additionally always released with electromagnetic energy to the surroundings, and this discharge of charged mental energy contributes to constantly creating our health and our physical and psychological well being, in addition to the events which constitute the experiences of daily life. Studies of telekinesis, demonstrated by dice throwing, show how the EM energy that is released from the body is impacting the physical environment, and loss of interest in any additional sensory perception study by a topic lessens good outcomes.